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Wellness & Thai Lifestyle Products
Professional products for business customers
✅ Due to the integrated wooden plate (approx. 1cm thick), the mattress can be easily attached to a wooden frame with angles ✅ The mattress is covered with a synthetic leather cover and has a face cut-out. This ensures a straight spine when lying down and easier breathing during treatment. This contributes to an increased sense of well-being for the client during the massage ✅ Filled with 6.5cm particularly robust PE filling material. This makes the hardness ideal for wellness massages ✅ Dimensions: length: 200cm | height: 7.5cm | width: either 80cm, 100cm or 120cm | Face hole dimensions: 16cm wide - 21cm long ✅ Colour optional: Brown, black or beige (cream-greyish) ✅ Application: You want to replace an old massage mattress? Or do you need a suitable mattress for massage for your wooden frame? Then our product is just right for you
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