Tok Sen hammer massage is a massage technique that has its origins in traditional Thai medicine. This massage technique uses a wooden hammer and a chisel to strike the energy lines of the body
The term "Tok Sen" means "knocking wood" in Thai. During the massage, the hammer is tapped on a specially selected wooden chisel, which is then placed on the energy lines of the body. The chisel is then gently tapped with the hammer to create vibrations and oscillations that flow through the body. These vibrations can help to release blockages in the energy lines of the body and improve energy flow.
Tok Sen hammer massage can help relieve muscle tension, pain and stiffness. It can also help to improve blood circulation and energy flow in the body. The massage technique can also help relieve stress and improve overall well-being.
Tok Sen hammer massage is often offered as part of a Thai massage. However, it is important that the massage is performed by a trained and experienced therapist, as the technique must be performed carefully to avoid injury. People with serious health concerns should consult a doctor before booking a Tok Sen hammer massage.